聖地之友 – 五月通訊 (MAY 2023)
各位親愛團友, 主內平安! 疫情後我們從今年一月份開始有聖地團出發,4月份內更出了三團,其中一團是伊朗團,感恩我有機會同行,以下是部分團友在旅途中的感受分享❤️❤️ 期待下次旅程能與你們同行! 以馬內利 Rosanna 團友分享:Lillian In my first trip to Iran, l was given a straight reminder that women must travel with their heads & and bodies well covered. Though not as in the style of hijab which l found quite impossible to attempt Admired or pitiful those who spend all their lifestyle in...